Manufactory from Sketches to Stitches – one of the companies, supporting the sport, Australian Parachute Federation and Skydive TV – meet Rob Delaney – great vision and awesome products …
How Australian Parachute Federation found a way to support and finance the Australian Skydiving competitors ? How they see the future of the sport and what steps they do to grow … and put the Skydiving in all the families weekend plans? – check out the interview with Brad Turner – CEO of the Australian […]
How 30 sec. Video spot on TV changed the skydiving in Australia and how that brought 20 % more new skydivers and members to the Australian Parachute Federation – learn more from Robert Libeau – National Development Manager at APF.
2016 Australian National Skydiving Championship officially started … close to 200 of the best Australian Skydivers are ready to compete! Stay tuned and watch all the action on Skydive TV !
2016 Australian National Skydiving Championship officially started … close to 200 of the best Australian Skydivers are ready to compete! Stay tuned and watch all the action on Skydive TV !